Tuesday 15 September 2015

Music Genre Analysis Research

Music Genre Analysis Research

Pop music is a genre of music. It derives from the the word Popular which is how it has its abbreviated name of Pop. The genre initially came from American Markets in the early 1950's/1960's which originally came from the genre of rock and roll.

The term of "Pop music" and "Popular music" are often used interchangeably. However, even though the general premise of the genre is, "Popular Music", it can also be used to describe  upbeat music that frequents the charts. This is why pop music is usually described as "eclectic" as it borrows from many different styles including: Dance, Rock, Latin, Country and Urban music genres.

Other versions of pop such as "Hard pop", are recognized from being a mixture of hard rock and melodic pop music. This tends to be louder and more aggressive than pop and features instruments such as electric guitars, drums and bass guitar very similar to other genres such as rock.

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